Star Wars: The Right Way: Ep. One – Part One

Disclaimer: This work is fanfiction and not at all cannon or sanctioned by George Lucas or Disney. I am not an avid Star Wars fan so any and all research was done ad-hoc and might not be as in-depth as might be necessary. I am writing this work because of a bet I have with a friend of mine. This is an ongoing Series.

Star Wars The Right Way

Episode One

Part One

He was pacing, and nervously checking things, everything in fact. It wasn’t his first mission, far from it in fact. Obi-Wan had been on countless missions with his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn. But this was official business, this was for the Republic. This was a blockade of an entire planet. This could be potential genocide. If he failed this time, even his powerful Master could not stop the consequences. His training would be paramount, but right now the padawan wasn’t using it. Inexperience was a double-edged sword. Not only was he without prior experiences in this matter, but the lack of them helped to block out his training for this with his fears. He knew, in the back of his mind, that he should not be afraid, but he was. It was the fact that he was actually afraid, chiefly, that annoyed him.

He sensed a presence in the hallway, serene as always. He felt a pang of jealousy. How was it so easy for Qui-Gon to stay so calm? He shook his head free of such thoughts and took a deep breath. Mentally barking at everything and everyone around him was not going to help anyone, and it definitely wouldn’t help his nerves.

The damnable door swished open. He half-wished it had malfunctioned to give him more time to calm down. He met his Master’s gray-green eyes eyes momentarily, vainly trying to hide his attempts at quelling his nerves. To be honest, Obi-Wan just never really had a good instincts on which words to use. Diplomacy was a different game of chess from something he felt far more confident about, though he knew that could be a dangerous trait for a Jedi.

“I see you’ve prepared,” commented Qui-Gon sarcastically and he walked in with a half-smirk on his face.

Obi-Wan couldn’t help but laugh at himself. Oddly, it helped. “Well one of us has to worry, Master. These are serious demands we’ve been sent to push on them.”

Qui-Gon Jinn stopped himself, impressed at the depth of his apprentice’s insight into this mission. He hadn’t told him the contents of the mission yet, in fact that was what he was here for. And of course, Obi-Wan was also not taking the situation lightly. It was not in his character but it was still reassuring to the aging Jedi Master. He had swore to never fail another apprentice, after all. “Don’t worry about the negotiations, I’ll handle most of them. But I want you to watch them closely, it’s a skill you have yet to master, Obi-Wan.”

The apprentice nodded. “Of course, Master.”

Attentive and loyal as always. He could feel the young man calming down, simply because he had told him to. Almost too loyal, too dependent upon him. Perhaps the bond had gotten deeper than it should have. But Qui-Gon had always had too much attachment to others, so why would his apprentice learn to be any different? One did not only teach with words after all, but by simply being as well. Empathy for others would be important anyway. Obi-Wan was still rather quick to reach for his lightsaber. “I want you to watch the Trade Federation negotiators, Obi-Wan, and with a clear mind. We shall be within range in a few minutes. Meet me near the embarkation port in fifteen minutes.”

The young man nodded and Qui-Gon turned and left. Obi-Wan heard him loud enough. He’d told him to calm down several times during that conversation, albeit subtly. But that was Qui-Gon’s way. It had always been Qui-Gon’s way. He crossed the room, sat down on the floor facing the door, and closed his eyes for fourteen minutes.

Two-hours later, Obi-Wan was pacing again. They were now on the trade federation’s vessel. But they were taking a very long time to come in and begin negotiations. Perhaps they were simply unprepared for two Jedi. Or perhaps they were scrambling to find a way to modify their original plan, which Obi-Wan suspected had been nefarious anyway. Qui-Gon, however, was sitting down. He was still confident that the Trade Federation would negotiate.

“Sit down, Obi-Wan. Don’t center on your anxieties. Keep your mind on the here and now, where it belongs.” Qui-Gon resumed his deep thinking about the game of words he was about to play and his apprentice sighed at himself and sat down beside him at the table.

As told, Obi-Wan centered on the right here. Something was coming, he heard it. But he could not sense its presence. “A droid, Master.”

Qui-Gon opened his eyes, and a silver protocol droid carrying tea on a tray appeared as the doors rolled open for it.

“My Masters apologize for the delay, sirs…” It started to say, setting the tea down on the end of the table. Unfortunately, the droid was not distracting enough. Both Jedi heard the subtle locking mechanisms as the door ground closed. They were both on their feet, laserswords ablaze at the sound of it, but neither of them could make it to the door in time to stop it.

Obi-Wan’s brow lowered in anger. Somehow, he’d known it would come to this. But why were these merchants being so foolish to think they could kill Jedi? His Master had an odd expression on his face, something between revelation and surprise. He hadn’t actually been surprised that the negotiations were blown, had he? But Obi-Wan soon ran out of time to think. An obvious green vapor was creeping towards them from the air ducts. He knew what to do immediately, and sucked in a large breath of clean air before he sank to the ground and into deep meditation. There was no room for error here. If he lost focus he would either suffocate or inhale the toxic fumes. This was as real as it gets.

Minutes ticked by. Obi-Wan’s body started to get annoyed at him. The force could only go so far, after all. He fought the urge to breathe, to give in to animalistic fears, to doubt. He felt his Master’s grip on his arm. That must have taken quite a bit for him to do that! Obi-Wan calmed down and sank into deeper focus. He began to feel his own life energy circling around in his body. He saw it cluttering up in his lungs, as if forcing him to breathe. He redirected it, and felt the urges lessen. Ah, so this is how it was done…

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